Test Prep

SAT, ACT, OMG! Standardized tests can be the worst. We get it. We’ve been there. We’ve seen the fear and the anxiety. We’ve seen the tears. We’ve seen the heartache. We’ve seen the huge score increases and the screams of joy. We’ve seen it all! And in response, we developed a unique system to put your student at ease and in the best position to succeed.

Understanding the Tests

The truth is the SAT and ACT are not intelligence tests (although the SAT started as one!), nor do your genetics mean you are predisposed to succeed or fail at them. These tests are not a reflection of a child’s worth as a student or as an individual, instead they are tests of content, speed, and strategy that are completely manageable with the proper tutoring and practice. We strive for efficient learning in our test prep: gone are the days of “drill and kill” prep, daily hours dedicated to monotonous and rote learning. We utilize the brain science of learning, memory formation, and test anxiety to ensure our students reach their maximum potential without overwhelming them with hours of practice.

Test Anxiety

No student should feel like their performance on the SAT or ACT is going to determine their future, because frankly it won’t. But, every student should walk into their test confidently knowing they are ready to achieve their very best score. Our program focuses on the biological roots of test anxiety to help our students get to a comfortable place with their best, both emotionally and academically.

Brain Science

Our SAT and ACT test prep is based off the brain science of memory formation and retention. We focus student’s practice work in deliberate and meaningful ways to ensure they maximize their content and strategy mastery, in order to unlock their full potential. We ensure students are receiving support in understanding and breaking down the material they will face as well as committing them to the tried and true strategies and test hacks that will help them achieve their highest score.




College Counseling