Join our Team

Our tutors are a huge part of our success. Their passion, expertise, and commitment to our students helps us thrive alongside our students. And we are always looking to expand our tutor family!

We do not advertise our tutoring; all of our clients come to us via word of mouth. We have built up a network of hundreds of families who continue to refer us out thanks to our stellar reputation, dedication to their students, and our excellent tutoring. Our responsibility to our tutors is to ensure they are able to focus on what they love–tutoring–without having to deal with all of the grinding back-end work that comes from running their own business. We pride ourselves in offering the highest rates for in-home tutors in the area and do our best to ensure your work with us is rewarding, fulfilling, and beneficial.

In addition, we offer periodic training for our tutors around brain science, memory formation and retention, practical tips for tutoring, student social and emotional wellness, and student engagement. We take pride in helping our tutors offer top-quality, individualized, in-home and remote tutoring to families and students who appreciate our unique approach to tutoring.

If you’re interested in providing tutoring, test prep, or college counseling with us, please reach out to learn more.